Can Hair loss be caused by Autoimmune Disease?

Males and females can both be affected by hair loss which may be caused by a number of different factors. Otherwise known as alopecia, losing hair affects approximately 2% of the population and can be classified as alopecia areata (patches/areas of hair loss) or alopecia totalis (complete hair loss). Alopecia can be very distressing for […]

TCM Acupuncture Vs Dry Needling Video

Principal Chiropractor, Dr Ryan Yiap, explains in a short video the difference between (TCM) traditional chinese acupuncture vs dry needling. Many times when people come in to say that they’ve already had some acupuncture the follow up question is, “Was that traditional chinese medicine acupuncture or dry needling?” They would then have a look of […]

Thyroid Dysfunction: 10 Common Signs

There are approximately 60,000 new cases of thyroid diagnosed each year within Australia with statistics revealing that 1 in 8 women will experience thyroid-related issues in their lifetime. These figures are staggering and are increasing every year. Thyroid disorders are the most commonly underdiagnosed medical conditions today with some individualsunaware they even have the condition. […]

Pyroluria: The Hidden Cause of Anxiety and Depression?

Let’s understand how Pyroluria may be the root cause behind mental, emotional and behavioural issues. What is Pyroluria? Pyroluria is an abnormality in the body’s biochemistry which results in the overproduction of pyrrole molecules. The cause is not fully understood, however, it is believed that pyroluria is a genetic condition in which the body has […]

Environmental Toxins Overload

Are environmental toxins the ROOT cause of your health decline? How do you protect yourself from ongoing exposures, read on to find out HOW! Each day we are exposed to an unprecedented number of toxins, including heavy metals, pesticides, micro-plastics, industrial chemicals and food additives. We can find them in our cleaning products, our personal […]

Deep Breathing Exercise Video

Remedial Massage Therapist and Lymphoedema Therapist Kuniko Tanaka guides us in a deep breathing exercise to help our body calm down and relax. During these unprecedented times our stress levels might be through the roof.  Some may have to work from home.  For others their hours have been reduced or unfortunately have been stood down.  […]

Chiropractic: Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the commonly asked questions we get about Chiropractic. What ages can see a chiropractor?  Chiropractors can help people of all ages, varying the amount of force or use of techniques to fit each individual’s preferences, body types and conditions. Here at Hills Natural Health Centre we have a dedicated paediatric-only chiropractor […]

Need Immune Support?

Are you worried about staying well and fighting fit? Are you wondering how you can support your immune system? Our Naturopathic team at Hills Natural Health Centre can help. We are offering 15 min Acute Naturopathic consultations to help boost your immunity and reduce your chances of getting sick. These can be conducted either in […]

Have you been diagnosed with Lymphoedema?

Lymphoedema first of all needs to be diagnosed correctly by a medical practitioner who has knowledge in this area.  The diagnosis of Lymphoedema is simply overwhelming. There is a lot to take in and many questions to ask. What is it? Why is bandaging important? Should I wear a garment and when should I start wearing […]

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is a specific condition where nerves or blood vessels between the collar bone and first rib are compressed causing pain in the shoulder and neck and/or numbness down the arm. The main types of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome include:Neurogenic (Neurological) – compression of the brachial plexus that come out from nerves in the […]