Headaches, migraines or neck pain?

End of year is coming up and school and uni exams are here!  Students begin their ATAR exams this week!  Those who are sitting with heads down, studying for long periods of time, can be experiencing headaches, migraines and or neck pain and/or stiffness.  But fear not, here are some easy tips for managing that pain […]

WA Mental Health Week

Raising awareness and removing the stigma surrounding mental health is an important part of supporting the mental health aspect within ourselves and for those around us. It is also important for creating a healthy society. However, to look at mental health on its own or as a single part, without factoring in the whole person, […]

Winter is Coming!

Winter has well and truly arrived here in Glen Forrest. The foggy mornings are becoming more frequent and its getting harder to get out of bed when it is cold. For many reading this, you have already been spending many days chopping wood for your fires, clearing property breaks and tending to horses.  You may […]

Hair Analysis

A hair analysis test can be used to identify foods and household items that react with your body and contribute to your health complaints such as IBS, skin rashes, ADHD, migraines/headaches, bloating, allergies, chronic fatigue, infections, hives, sleep disorders, asthma, allergies, weight issues, trouble conceiving and much more! A hair analysis test will find the […]

Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)

What is Frozen Shoulder? Frozen Shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) is a condition which starts as pain into the shoulder and progresses gradually into restriction of almost all ranges of movement. For some, the pain worsens at night which can disrupt sleep. It most commonly affects women 40-60 years of age but men can also be affected. […]

Home Therapy

Can’t come in to get treated? Need some help to relieve pain while you are in between chiropractic or massage sessions? Look no further! You can now buy home therapy products at Hills Natural Health Centre!– Spikey Trigger Point Balls– Heat Patches– Wheat Bags– Foam Rollers– Massagers– Instant Ice Packs– Back Braces Come in store […]

Dry Needling Vs Chinese Acupuncture

Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture works on a completely different theory and philosophy than dry needling. It focuses on re-establishing energy flow in the body using meridians and specific acupuncture points. Dry needling uses the same fine thin needles to apply therapy but onto specific muscle trigger points or knots in the muscle. Its aim is […]