Leaders of Healthcare in the Hills

A multidisciplinary approach to holistic health


With the world’s hectic pace today, it’s easy to be continually caught up in the busyness of life and to have a constant feeling of overwhelm lingering in the background.

Juggling family, work, and never-ending to-do lists means there often seems little time left to attend to our own well-being, or to find a moment of peace for ourselves, let alone time to give to bigger dreams.

It can often feel like we’re just waiting for that time when we can jump off the hamster wheel of life and start enjoying ourselves and living the life we want – but when will that time come?

Why seek assistance from a Psychologist?

There might be a variety of reasons to seek help from a Psychologist:

What if, by building some simple daily habits into your life,
that time to start living the life you want could be right now?

A life of more balance, of more joy, of more time to appreciate friends and family, a life full of the things you value and that bring meaning to you.

Mind Fit counselling will teach you strategies to decrease stress, be more present, boost the amount of positivity in your life, build better relationships, discover your strengths and get in touch with your values, learn how to set and achieve goals effectively, and how to attend to your health needs in order to boost your mind fitness

It’s time to finally start creating the life you want.

Meet our Psychologist

Joanna Sleight

MAPS Educational & Developmental

Joanna has a passion for personal growth, self-development, and living a life that honours both physical health and mental well-being. 

Joanna has 15 years of experience supporting individuals and families with their well-being needs, including issues relating to stress and overwhelm, mood regulation, and moving from languishing to thriving.

Joanna works within a holistic framework that views mental and physical health as very intertwined. In helping individuals reach their well-being goals, she incorporates strategies from a number of different approaches, including:

Helping clients improve the elements of physical health that most greatly impact mental health.

Traditional cognitive behavioural approaches that help individuals identify what thought patterns may be impacting upon their well-being.

Positive psychology strategies help individuals build habits that enhance the positive aspects of their lives.

Somatic and energy techniques such as the emotional freedom technique, that help individuals address their well-being from an emotional and energetic perspective.

Joanna also has a background in educational and developmental psychology and can assist families with concerns in such areas, including:

Counselling for parents to help reduce parental overwhelm and work towards becoming a flourishing parent.

Counselling for expecting mothers to help reduce anxiety and worry related to their upcoming birth.

Counselling for children, adolescents, and young adults to build resilience, improve emotion regulation, and help navigate life transitions as they grow into adulthood.

Psychoeducational assessments of learning difficulties, disabilities, and giftedness.

Intervention programs for attentional, learning, and behavioural issues.

Parent consultation for educational and developmental issues.